must include aspects of a strong resume

Class of 2022: 7 Must-Include Aspects of a Strong Resume

Our newest report, “What the Class of 2022 Wants,” shares survey data from the graduating class of 2022 on what they are looking for in their first role and company after graduating. Download the full report today.


In March, LaSalle Network surveyed more than 2,500 graduates from the class of 2022 to understand what they’re seeking in the first job and company they work for after crossing the stage. It’s important to prepare thoroughly to stand out in the job search, and that starts with a strong resume.

Below are seven ways these graduates can maximize their experience on a resume to help them get a foot in the door and a chance at their dream job. 

Don’t use a one-size-fits-all resume: Customize each resume submitted to speak to a specific role and organization by including skills and accomplishments applicable to that role. Also use the same keywords – such as particular software or soft skills – included in the job description if they are true to previous experience. By including the same type of language in a resume as seen in the job description, the sought-after skillsets will more easily stand out to a recruiter. Note – only include these keywords on a resume if true.

Remove the objective statement: Rather than describing what type of role/company is being targeted, the first line on a resume should instead summarize the value that will be brought to the company.  While the objective of a resume should be clear, to land the job, a summary of skillsets could go further in landing an interview. 

Consider non-traditional experience: If no relevant internships or positions were secured, explain why in the cover letter or on the resume, and list other areas of experience such as relevant courses taken, committee involvement or certifications received, and the relevant skills learned.  

Quantify accomplishments using numbers: When listing successes under each role or project, focus on quantifying the results to show the direct value and impact made. Sharing performance metrics adds weight to the responsibilities and can more effectively showcase value.  

Keep it brief: Keep resumes to one page. Bullet the responsibilities under each role concisely – not in full sentences – and only include the most relevant details. While it may be tempting to take up as much white space as possible, with minimal professional experience it is best to keep descriptions brief and relevant.

Include a way to learn more: Provide hiring managers a way to learn more by adding a LinkedIn profile link, or one to a personal website or virtual portfolio. Customize the LinkedIn profile URL by clicking the  ‘Edit public profile & URL’ button on the top right corner of the profile, and utilize a link shortener like Place the URL in the header of the resume or beside contact information.

Go the extra mile: It’s important to continue adding new skills and certifications by seeking out learning opportunities and certifications. There are hundreds of organizations offering valuable skill-building resources online, from software certifications to creative writing courses and more.

The extra attention to detail and effort put into customizing a resume is crucial to stand out in a crowded jobs market. A well-written resume (with no typos or grammatical errors) that highlights applicable skillsets can go far and hopefully help land the job.  

Looking for a new job opportunity? View the roles we’re recruiting for today here. 

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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