Best practices to kickstart your temporary assignment

Best Practices to Kickstart Your Temporary Assignment

First impressions matter. From the second an interaction begins, judgements are being made. When starting a new temporary assignment, those first few minutes, hours and days set the tone for the duration of the employment period. Follow these tips from our recruiters to prepare for an assignment, nail the first impression and keep the momentum going throughout the contract.

Before you start

Do some research. Check out the company website and read through the “about” section to get familiar with the mission and organization. Get familiar with leaders’ names and faces, too. Having a better understanding of the environment and culture of the company can help lessen nerves. Instead of walking in blind, this research will help set a framework of what to expect.

Understand the role. Determine if training will be provided. If not, make sure to get a solid understanding of the job expectations by consulting the job description and the recruiter. Take time to also ask about how success is measured. Know what the expectations are before walking in the door so that success can begin on day one.

Confirm your schedule. The staffing and recruiting firm will likely initiate this, but if not, call to double check the start date and time. Confirm who the supervisor is, and whom to ask for on arrival.

Be prepared. The night before, gather everything needed for the next day to avoid scrambling in the morning. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so bring anything that might be useful like a notebook, snacks and water. Lay out a professional outfit that will nail the first impression.

On the first day

Get to the office early. Plan to get to the office at least 10-15 minutes before the official start time. Get out the door with time to spare, in case there are any unexpected delays. If you are driving, map out the route beforehand to avoid getting lost.

Take notes. There will be a flood of information on the first day and it’s impossible to remember everything. Bring a notebook to write everything down and reference the notes later when questions arise. Added bonus: taking notes shows preparation and an excitement to learn, which leaves a great first impression.

Participate. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and actively participate. When opportunities to learn more come up, say yes. The more investment put into the role, the better; this also showcases drive and work ethic early on. The first few days set the tone for the rest of the assignment. Leaving a great impression on the manager and team may even open doors for additional opportunities down the line.

Introduce yourself. If time allows, get to know management and coworkers. They will be valuable resources, so take time to get acquainted.

Communicate with the temporary staffing firm that placed you. They are there for support even after the job starts. Debrief the day and provide insight on the onboarding experience—they want to hear about it. And, should any problems arise, reach out. Recruiters are in regular contact with the hiring manager and can help with any situation.


At LaSalle Network, we can make your temporary staff experience great. Assignment ended and looking for another temporary opportunity? Search our jobs.

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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