Our Top 10 Resources for Leading Through Transitions

We’re sharing our top 10 blogs of 2020 that leaders sought oumost to help their teams excel through an extraordinary year.  

How A Best Place to Work Maintains its Culture 

We compiled more than 100 culture-building activities LaSalle Network hosted throughout the course of the pandemic that helped employees maintain connection and engagement virtually. With activities ranging from virtual partiesfitness and cooking classes, to competitions and philanthropic initiativeswe‘re sharing ample culture-building ideas for your teams for 2021. Read more here.  

6 Ways to Support Employee Mental Health 

Employee mental health is closely tied to productivity and engagement, meaning the 56% decline of employees’ mental health in 2020 can directly impact a business’ bottom line. Here’s how to pursue a renewed focus on mental well-being for your employees. 

How Remote Workers Could Benefit from a Few More Conflicts

One of the biggest missing elements of collaboration is healthy debate. Teams that actively engage in (respectful) arguments are more innovative, competitive and higherperformingRead 6 ways to spark productive conflict in a remote workforce.  

How to Recognize & Prevent Employee Burnout

Since the start of the pandemic, employees have been going 100MPH to help their companies stay in business. For many, this has been a stretch of long hours, and few, if any, days off. While some employees may thrive under pressure, many may be exhausted and on the verge of burnout. Read here for more on how to spot and stop employee burnout. 

4 Compensation Strategies to Re-Incentivize Employees 

Finance leaders had to start from scratch when forecasting business financials for 2021 and had to re-evaluate compensation strategies as it relates to employee salaries and incentives. Read on for several ways many businesses are adjusting compensation structures. 

How to Take Market Share During an Economic Downturn 

Last year, before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, LaSalle Network published a report on 2020 hiring trends and challenges based on responses from a survey to leaders of finance, operations and human resources. The No. 1 hiring challenge reported at the time was finding skilled candidates. Now, with a record number of people at every level and in nearly every capacity currently unemployed, there is ample skilled talent available. Read here on how investing in key hires is among the most strategic ways to gain human capital and take market share in a down economy.  


Establishing a High-Performance Culture in a Remote World

After drastic labor cuts in 2020, employees kept on the payroll have been called on to step up in ways many haven’t before to keep their company viable. This hustle and dedication resemble the activity of a high-performance culture, which if sustained, leads to improved long-term results. However, sustaining this productivity virtually adds another layer of complexity. Read on for 10 tips for maximizing your high-performing culture from afar.

Managing While Quarantined: Tips to Lead A Virtual Team 

A strong leader leads through times of uncertainty with vulnerability, sensitivity and strategic thinking. Read on for answers to four of the top questions asked by leaders on how to manage staff virtually through a pandemic.  

The End of Company Culture

The lack of in-office perks has stripped company cultures to become dependent on cultivating true connection, and the enticing culture of catered lunches, kegs and pool tables is no longer a differentiator. Company culture will instead become a culmination of the vulnerability and intentionality that both leadership and staff are willing to giveRead more on how company culture will change for good. 

 4 Benefits to Promote Employee Wellness During COVID-19

In the midst of a global health crisis, employees are looking to leadership for support and guidance now more than ever before, and among the top ways employers can provide support right now is through benefits. Bill Gimbel, president of LaSalle Benefits, shares four benefits employers should be presenting to employees now. Read on for more. 


These 10 resources have helped leaders navigate the many challenges 2020 brought, but our most valuable resource is our team of recruiters. If you’re hiring, let us help! Get connected here.  

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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