6 Resume Lucky Charms

Relying on luck or playing a numbers game by sending a generic resume to company after company is simply not enough to get a callback. You must take ownership of the application process.  6 seconds is all a candidate has to hold the attention of a hiring manager as they scan resume. Dont miss out on landing the job because of a fixable error 

Below we’re sharing 6 ways to optimize your resume 

Quantify accomplishments using numbers: When listing successes under each role, focus on quantifying the results to best show the direct value and impact madeSharing performance metrics adds more weight to the responsibilities and effectively showcases value. This helps hiring managers visualize how thsuccess can be translated into the role they’re hiring for.   

Don’t usone-size-fits-all resume: Customize each resume submitted to speak to specific role and organization, including applicable skills and accomplishments directly related to the roleAlso utilize keywords listed in the job description when applicable. 

Remove the objective statement: Have you ever heard of a successful salesperson start their sales pitch with what’s in it for them? No, and that is the mistake job seekers make when they add an Objective Statement that explains what they are seeking from a company or role. That first line oa resume should summarize the value a candidate would bring to a company in that role by summarizing impressive experience and skills in one powerful statement.  

Keep it brief: As much as possible, keep resumes to one page summarizing recent and relevant experience. Use concise sentence fragments in bullet points rather than full sentences to describe your experience and only include the strongest, most relevant details that apply to the targeted role.  

Include a way to learn more: Provide hiring managers a means to learn more by adding links to LinkedIn profile, or personal website or portfolio. Customize the URL to your LinkedIn profile by clicking the button to ‘Edit public profile & URL’ on the upper right corner of your profile, and utilize a link shortener like Bitly.com if the link to your portfolio is too long. Place the URLs in the header of the resume or beside contact information.  

Go the extra mile: The extra attention to detail and effort put into customizing and optimizing a resume is crucial to stand out in a crowded jobs market. It’s also important to continue enhancing your resume with new skills and experiences, seeking out learning opportunities and certifications. 


Don’t leave your job search to luck. Showcase the best possible resume to hiring managers. Looking for a new job opportunityView the roles we’re recruiting for today here. 



About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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