Introducing LaSalle Network’s 2023 Award Winners

Each LaSallemas (also known as our company’s anniversary), we announce the honorees of our most sought-after awards: “LaSallian of the Year,” “Making It Happen,” and “People’s Choice.” Below we share the 2023 honorees, and what it means to each of them to take home LaSalle’s biggest titles.   

LaSallian of the Year: Riley Tear 

The “LaSallian of the Year” epitomizes what LaSalle is all about. This person is friendly, passionate, hardworking and a true team player. They are always ready to help a teammate and go the extra mile. The “LaSallian of the Year” loves what they do, where they work, and are essential members of our team. Please join us in a round of applause for this year’s winner, Riley Tear, Sr. Project Manager on LaSalle Network’s technology services recruiting team!   

Describe the moment your name was announced. How did you feel?   

RT: Pretty indescribable. I was in shock and so happy to feel recognized by so many people I look up to!  

What does this award mean to you?  

RT: Everything! I moved to Chicago from Michigan for this job after accepting the role during my last semester of college. I didn’t know anyone so had to build a life, as well as my career. I feel so grateful that 4 years later, this award signifies that I mean as much to this company as it means to me! 

What have you accomplished in the past year that you are proud of?  

RT: Taking on more responsibility as a leader when my manager went on maternity leave. It was scary leading up, but such a good feeling to get through it successfully…in one piece! 


Making It Happen: Miriam Merens  

The “Making It Happen” award goes to the LaSallian who does anything and everything to overcome challenges and produce results for the team, knocking down walls and barriers to help grow the Briefcase. Please join us in a round of applause for our 2023 “Making it Happen” winner, Miriam Merens, Director of Major Healthcare Accounts!   

Describe the moment your name was announced. How did you feel?   

MM: It felt incredibly rewarding. I feel beyond grateful to work at a company that has empowered me to help build a line of business that I truly believe is impacting the industry! Healthcare needs great talent to be able to serve their patients and grow the business of healthcare.  

What does this award mean to you?  

MM: This award means that hard work does not feel as hard when you love what you do. 

What have you accomplished in the past year that you are proud of? 

MM: I am extremely proud of growing our medical coding practice area, being able to partner with leaders in the space to help them grow their teams. 


People’s Choice: Adam Schaufelberger  

The “People’s Choice” award is voted on by the people! LaSallians submit their votes on who they would want on their team. Please join us in a round of applause for this year’s winner, Adam Schaufelberger, Business Development Manager! 

Describe the moment your name was announced. How did you feel?   

AS: I felt a sense of pride and immediately got emotional when my name was announced. It made me feel like I’ve finally found my home at LaSalle.   

What does this award mean to you?  

AS: This award means a variety of things to me but most importantly, it signifies the relationships I have built with the people around me. The ability to work with such a great group of professionals is an honor and to call them friends means even more. 

What have you accomplished in the past year that you are proud of? 

AS: Continuing to grow my book of business, grow as a professional, and build relationships with our clients and LaSallians. 



Join us in another round of applause for these three award winners! Do these LaSallians sound like professionals you want to grow your career alongside?   

Click here to apply to our open positions today. 


About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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