Land a Job you Love: 7 Job Search Resources

If you’re hitting the job boards in search of your next opportunity, we’re here to help. Below are our top resources from the past year to help build a competitive strategy to stand out in the job search.

How to Recover from a Bad Job Interview 

While finding a job in the workforce, nothing tugs at the back of somebody’s mind like the regret of a botched interview, or the anxiety of messing up in an upcoming one. Despite an interview going south, not all is lost. There are a few key ways to grab hold of the interview and change the narrative.  

8 Tips to Ace Your Virtual Interview 

If you have a virtual interview, how do you put your best foot forward without physically being in the office?  We’re sharing 8 essential tips to help prepare for a stand-out interview.

Job Search Tips from TikTok: Fact or Fiction? 

As TikTok continues to grow in popularity, one of the newest and most rapidly growing trends is career and job search advice. Whether it is job seekers looking for tips on landing their dream job or young professionals looking to advance their careers, there are thousands of videos from different users packed chalk-full of tips and tricks for growing a promising career. However, not all should be followed. Our expert recruiters are dissecting which to ditch. 

The LinkedIn Tools You Aren’t Using in Your Job Search 

Many internet savvy job seekers utilize their LinkedIn profiles as an online CV to present their skills, prior experience and interests to the public. Beyond these standard features, there are several other surprising ways job seekers can utilize LinkedIn to separate themselves from the pack to land a new job.   

10 Recruiter Secrets for Standing Out in Your Job Search 

We’re sharing all the need-to-know tips for standing out while job searching, straight from recruiting experts.

6 Questions to Ask in Every Job Interview

While candidates often prepare for an interview by practicing responses to common interview questions, some of the most important questions to prepare are those the candidate asks the interviewer. We’re sharing the 6 you shouldn’t leave the interview without asking.  

How to Evaluate and Negotiate a Job Offer 

Received a job offer? Congratulations! Before making a decision, take time to reflect on the role, manager, team, company and its culture to ensure it aligns with what you’re wanting. Revisit what motivated the job search initially and if this role and its responsibilities can be a strong, long-term fit. 

Our final and best resource to help you find your dream job? Working with our team of expert recruiters. View our job board and apply to an open role today.  

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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