how to stand out in a new job virtually

How to Stand Out in the First 90 Days of a Remote Job

 After month one of new remote position, you’ve probably experienced an extreme variance of emotions from excitement to exhaustion, and everything in between.  

That means you applied our suggestions from Part 1 of this series: How to Stand Out in Your First 30 Days of a New Remote Job.    

The next 60 days will complete a full three-months in the new remote role, and how these months start can certainly set the tone for your career runway. Follow the below checklist and you’ll be ready for takeoff!  


Day 31 – Day 60 


Rediscuss expectations with your manager. After getting a better understanding of the company and your role, reconnect with management to clarify responsibilities, goals and metrics. Discuss these expectations as well as their projected timeline for you to achieve those goals byDon’t assume you are on the same page – ask. 

Recap your work. Even in the first few months of a role, there is the ability to make an impact and produce meaningful work; however, sometimes it’s hard to showcase accomplishments that early on. Get ahead of this as much as possible by and sending recaps to your manager, regardless if they ask for it. Give them a high-level summary of tasks and achievements of the day, and share links to show the work if possible 

Ask for feedback often. At the start of a new position (and ongoing in your career) ask for feedback. Are there aspects of the role your manager expected you to pick up faster? Was there a piece that was missed from explanation to execution? How are you perceived by the team or those you’ve worked with so far? It’s important to get the feedback sooner rather than later so you can pivot behaviors before habits are created. Be receptive to feedback and realize there may be a gap in self-view versus others perception. Especially while working remotely, this is a valuable time to check in and ensure communication, energy and engagement is translating appropriately. 

Speak up! If technology or equipment isn’t working, let the IT or appropriate team know. Similarly, if there’s uncertainty or a miscommunication due to poor connection during a meeting, be sure to address this outwardly to avoid misunderstandings. Don’t wait for management to ask you to get in touch with IT. Be proactive in identifying solutions. 

Be sensitive to the challenges and changes caused by the pandemic. Every company has been impacted in some way, and many teams may still be adjusting to the change or working through a drop in morale. Whether it be working with a lean team or adjusting to different business demands in a remote setting, every company and team has had to evolve and rise to new challenges. Understand that low spirits or stressed teammates are not a reflection of you. Also give grace to others as they may still be learning how to best support a new hire virtually. 


Day 61– Day 90 


The learning curve will be longer virtually. Without the ability to look to the left or right to ask a question or shadow someone on the spot, getting acclimated to the role may take longer virtually than it would in-person. Starting a new job can be stressful, so take action to manage your energy and mental health. Don’t dwell on minor mistakes while still learning. However, it’s important to reflect on the areas of the job that are more challenging, and then ask for help in those areas.  

Get further integrated into the company culture. If the organization has been doing regular bonding activities like virtual happy hours or other events, join in. Get off mute and contribute to the conversation whenever appropriate. If there is positive news about an employee you haven’t met yet, send them a congratulatory note. Don’t wait for introductions to be made – reach out, employees will be happy to hear from you.  

Break down the silos. Building relationships with coworkers across various departments and levels can help provide valuable insight into the business and in how the role impacts others within the organization. While working remotely, there isn’t always builtin opportunities to connect with those on other teams, so be intentional about making a connection. Also consider people met during the first 30 days you haven’t spoken with since. Make a note to reconnect in the weeks or months ahead to maintain communication and connection.  

Reconsider your routine. How time is used both before and after work can heavily impact productivity on the job. Now, with three months under your belt, reevaluate what is and isn’t working. Has the morning routine slipped into hitting snooze a few too many times? Is the end of the day rushed to shut down for the night? Refining and sticking to a routine can help support energy levels and create a strong work ethic. 

While there are many aspects to a successful first three months on the job, none is more important than simply committing to the role and working hard to improve daybyday. Going above and beyond in order to deliver for the organization may be uncomfortable at times but is essential to setting a strong foundationShowing you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and do the work will speak volumes to your value as an employee. 


Is your team adding more new members? Let us help! Get in contact with us here.  



About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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