How to Keep the Spark Alive in Your Finance Career

For some, a career driven by numbers can sound about as fun as finding matching socks in the dryer. But for accounting and finance professionals, it’s a different story. If you’re interested in investments, appreciate appraisals and have a knack for math it’s easy to fall in love. But If your relationship with work is hitting a lull, you’ll need to ramp up the romance.

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, it’s time to give some love to one very important, but often overlooked thing- your career. Whether you’re a controller, accountant or analyst, here’s how to keep the spark alive:

Put on your rose-colored glasses:

At the beginning of a relationship, (or a career), the novelty gives you butterflies. After the excitement of the newness fades, however, it can be tempting to let negativity shine through. Just like you can be annoyed with your partner, (Did they seriously leave the toilet seat up again?) small career frustrations, (If I hear the word synergy one more time…) can bring you down.

Reignite your passion by focusing on the positive. Harvard Business Review suggests mapping out your energy levels at work every few hours. Find what makes you eager and engaged. Is it managing budgets, evaluating finances or studying business strategy? Maybe you’re motivated by coaching others. Harness these moments and give them the credit they deserve. You’ll ooze passion and take your career back to the lovey-dovey phase.

Invest quality time:

Surround yourself with culture givers who are committed to their career. Passion is contagious, and our work relationships have a profound impact on how we perceive our jobs. When you seek out successful and energetic people, you can take your career from a rut to a romance.

Revive your relationship by fostering new connections. Networking events can be a great way to meet new people. Discuss goals or gain a new perspective on the landscape of accounting and finance. IMA is a great resource to discover industry conferences, webinars and work-shops.

Pop the champagne:

Cheers to your career! Even if you don’t want to break out the bubbly, it’s important to celebrate your accomplishments. At the end of the day, reflect on what you achieved and jot it down. Whether you met with the C-Suite to discuss financial goals, prepared an economic report or simply replied to 20 client emails, every accomplishment counts. Crafting this list creates a tangible tour of your day. Take pride in what you do.

During a relationship slump, it often can feel like you’re on an incline treadmill, sprinting but going nowhere. Celebrating your success allows you to see what you achieved each day, and leave work knowing you put your miles in. Any relationship will flourish when you invest in your accomplishments. This simple list can give you the emotional boost you need to keep the flame alive.

Put a ring on it:

Relationships tend to putter out when the future is foggy. Are your long-term goals murky, or do you have a clear vision for where you want your career to go?

When you get engaged to your job, you’ll adopt a sense of purpose that can propel you forward. Think about the path that fits your ambitions and skill-sets. Do you see yourself evolving into a senior in your current role? Or are your sights set on the C-Suite? We’re not suggesting you have to stay at the same company forever, but thinking about your long term plans is important to stay motivated and committed.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a faster than average growth for financial analysts, accountants and finance managers. If you excel in the industry, it’s possible you can rise to the level of chief financial officer, chief operating officer or controller.

Your destiny is up to you if you ignite the fire in your career and keep the spark alive.

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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