9 Reasons You Should Hire a Veteran

LaSalle Network’s veteran hiring initiative, LaSalle Veteran Network (LVN)has compiled resources to help veterans find jobs and ease their transition, as well as resources for employers to improve their own veteran hiring initiatives. Our Guide to Veteran Hiring offers a one-stop-shop for companies to learn about the skills veterans bring to the table and how hiring them can benefit their company. Download the white paper here

Each year, approximately 200,000 men and women transition out of service and back into civilian life, with manseeking employment afterwards. While their background may be nontraditional, veterans have unique skill sets that make them invaluable hires. Below, we share nine qualities of veterans that help make them top candidates for a variety of roles 

1. They are used to learning new skills and concepts quickly.  

Service Members of every branch undergo frequent and rigorous training to become experts in a wide range of skills and conceptsThe military invests up to $73,000 dollars in each person who completes basic training through numerous schools, training programs and mentorships. This technical and soft skill development prepares them for their time in service, but also translates to their life after service.  

Because their station or assignments may shift at any time, they frequently are tested and trained to ensure they are prepared for any scenario that could arise. The ability to adjust to a changing role and learn quickly is extremely valuable to most companies and roles. In fact, companies spend on average $6,000 less on training and education for veterans because they learn and put their training into action quickly. Veterans can help enhance the productivity of their team as they dive into new challenges and learn in a hands-on environment.   

Professional growth and advancement within every branch are both expected and required. From newly enlisted Service Members and Commissioned Officers all the way up to Warrant Officers who are highly specialized experts, continued education and training is a part of their service.  


2. They are goal oriented. 

Military service is extremely goal-oriented, and personnel are taught to exercise collaboration, cooperation and personal development in order to achieve those goals. In a recent SHRM survey, 59% of employers reported their veterans performed better or much better than their non-veteran peers with 37.5% saying they perform “about the same” as their non-veteran peers 

 In the civilian workforce, veterans often focus on achievement and are willing to work hard to help support the organization’s bottom line. Veterans have many other unique skills including resiliency, leadership, loyalty, flexibility, critical thinking and creativity that they can bring to a future employer. Because of their strong focus on team, commitment and a chain of command, veterans have high levels of trust, are trained to manage and solve for the unexpectedhave strong team building skills, and bring a wide range of diversity and cultural experiences. 


3. They are strong leaders.  

One common misconception of military leaders is that their leadership style resembles barking orders or making harsh demands, when in reality, the military trains Service Members in a variety of leadership styles to communicate effectively with different personality types. They lead by example as well as through direction, delegation, motivation and inspiration in some of the toughest situations imaginable. 

Leadership courses are required of all Service Members after each promotion, and many are given much higher leadership responsibilities from a young age than many of their civilian counterpartsFor example, a 20-year-old army corporal might be put in charge of a squad of several other soldiers and held accountable for their success of a combat mission, as well as the lives of those under his or her charge. 


4. They can work strongly both in teams and independently.  

The size and scope of military operations makes it necessary for Service Members to understand their role within groups of all sizes and know how to relate to each other and support the overarching objective. Because of this, they have a strong sense of responsibility to their colleagues. While their service emphasizes group productivity, it also relies on individuals being able to perform independently at a very high level. Because they understand the responsibility and potential repercussions of their actions in terms of the broader organization, veterans tend to make very reliable employees.  

Veterans tend to be highly self-motivated and focused on achieving metrics, making them able to work with teammates or independently easily.  


5. They can bring creativity and a global perspective to a team.  

The U.S. military has over 800 bases in 70 different countries. Veterans may have been stationed or deployed to any number of locations both within the continental US and around the world. While Service Members are representing the U.S. in foreign territories, they are expected to show respect and demonstrate a strong baseline understanding of the cultures they encounter, often learning new languages and customs 

Regardless of their location, Service Members work sidebyside with individuals of different races, genders, religionsand ethnic or cultural backgrounds dailyThese experiences help them to bring a broader understanding of the diversity of our global economy and respect for diverse groups of people.  


6. They work well under pressure and in a fast-paced environment.  

Not only do they learn traits like discipline and confidence as part of their training, but Service Members also are taught to stay calm and do the job no matter what happens. Understanding that lives depend on their ability to remain clear-headed, Service Members generally have a cool demeanor that translates well into a business environment.  

While their role in the civilian workforce may or may not have lives depending on them, veterans tend to remain calm and be goal-oriented under pressure. By nature of the responsibilities given to them while in the service, veteranhold on to their strong work ethic, dedication and time-management skills necessary for any fast-paced environment 


7. They respect procedures and accountability.  

Veteranunderstand the importance of routine policies and procedures that are essential to an organization’s successPerformance and results are non-optional in the military, and you can expect veterans to bring the same determination to the workplace. They are detailed and assume responsibility for their part in upholding the organizational framework. 


8. They have integrity.  

Military training demands that individuals live and act according to a strong Code of Ethics and are often trusted with highly sensitive information. In the civilian world, this translates to a reliable and trustworthy employee. They are likely to be dependable not only as it relates to their work ethic, but also in how they represent the organization. Because the military cultivates an extremely high-performing culture, Service Members not only respect the rules and procedures within an organization but work hard to uphold them and portray their work and their team in the best light possible.  


9. They are resilient.  

Military service demands a certain level of endurance, flexibility and mental toughness. Service Members have faced many challenges and great adversity to get to where they are. This kind of resilience can benefit an organization by creating an atmosphere of determination and positivity. Because loyalty is one of the top values instilled in Service Members throughout their time in the military, veterans frequently bring that value with them as they enter civilian roles. Veterans are loyal to their organization and have a median tenure longer than the average employee tenure.  


Looking to hire veterans? Partner with LaSalle Veteran Network to get connected with talent and enhance your veteran hiring initiative. 



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LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

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