3 Ways to Win Over Top Technology Talent

LaSalle Network’s team specializing in recruiting for the technology sector has gathered insights into what technologists of various specializations are now seeking in their next company and role. Below we are sharing three main trends of how technologists’ desires have shifted since we surveyed them in February.  

Distrust Among Big Tech 

It is no secret that public trust in big tech companies has declined significantly in the last few years. Whether it be due to unpopular political agendas or questionable data security practices, this distrust has expanded past FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google). Techlash,” or the negative reaction to the growing power and influence of large technology companies, is deterring some technologists from explicitly targeting roles in big techinstead preferring smaller companies and startups. Rather than being drawn to the size and status of a company like in years past, an increasing number of technologists have expressed interest in companies where they feel they can make a greater impact and have increased freedom.  

Talent is now more informed and opinionated about a company’s public image and may be retargeting their job search for this reason. Throughout the pandemic, many companies of various sectors were forced to lay off or furlough large portions of their workforce. Unfortunately, some did so with little warning and in ways that painted their leadership in a poor light. Strong company leadership and an empathetic company culture are increasingly important for many professionals while considering future roles. Candidates today do not want to feel like a cog in a machine or expendable and may target their job search towards certain companies they feel they can trust 


While looking for their next role, a new trend is the decreased popularity of technologists seeking to “disrupt” or overhaul an industry. Rather, many professionals are seeking positions in which they can help improve business operations, opting to pilot new development in more traditional industries.  

For instanceU.S. manufacturing is seeing a rise in popularity amongst certain technology talent due to their desire to innovate and improve a classic industry. This tech talent wants to flex their creative muscles and seek innovation in industries and smaller companies that were once more resistant to change.  

Company Culture 

In lieu of extravagant in-office perks, a renewed focus among tech talent is concern over a company’s culture and commitments. While many big tech companies once boasted fancy office spaces, competitive pay structures and other perks, the pandemic and subsequent shelter-in-place has brought new value and importance to loyalty and an inclusive and supportive company culture. 

In order to remain competitive while recruiting tech talent, consider the ways in which technology roles and responsibilities may have changed. Also, to retain current talent and avoid turnover, consider reskilling or upskilling tech talent, or investing in further educational opportunities.  

Let us help you find top tech talent. Contact us here. 

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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