Make it Count: 6 Keys to Internship Success

Internships are important since you’re provided the opportunity to learn and gain experience. Understanding how to become a successful intern can translate into what it takes to become a valued employee, below are a few tips I’ve learned that have helped me be successful at LaSalle in my role as Public Relations Intern.

Curiosity DID NOT kill the cat

  • – Ask questions! If you’re unsure of something, ask for clarification, make sure you know WHAT needs to be done and WHEN it needs to be done.
  • – Observe your team and company. How do they work together? Listen carefully to coworkers, mentors, and managers, they can all teach you something!


Run, don’t walk the extra mile

  • – Challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone. Finish projects fast and accurately. Communicate progress with your manager so they can give you more responsibilities.
  • – Always be willing to take on new projects with the “Yes I Can!” attitude. Every project teaches me something new and allows the opportunity to develop my skills.


Support System

  • – Find a mentor to hep your career growth; here at LaSalle we work as a team so luckily for me I have a team of mentors! I am encouraged to ask for advice regarding my career.


Prioritize your work..

  • – I have daily check-ins with my manger to update her on the status of my tasks. I have a few tips and deadlines to help guide me along the way, which also works as great décor for my office space.

intern pic


Go in for the kill

  • – Figure out how you can add value to your team… ask what they’re working on, and offer to help.


Most importantly…

  • – Don’t be afraid to fail, which I am still trying to master. You will make mistakes, everyone does, take responsibility for it and learn from it. Do not let failure hold you back from challenging yourself.



I’d love to know your thoughts on what it takes to be successful at an internship!








About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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