How to use the Holidays to Close More Deals

With the holidays approaching, it may be tempting to slow down, to think that prospects don’t buy during the holidays, or that there isn’t enough time left in the year to get a contract signed. Whatever the reasoning is, it’s wrong.

In fact, great salespeople know the holidays can be one of the best times to end the year on a high note and make more money. While this holiday season looks different than in years past, you have the opportunity to connect with prospects and clients in more meaningful and creative ways than ever before. Below are tips to make the holiday season work for you this year.

Spread the cheer. While clients may not be in the office to receive holiday cards or treats, consider how to spread holiday cheer virtually. Film a short video or send a funny holiday ecard. Be memorable and personal! It shows you took the time to do something nice. Your prospects and clients may remember that and call you the next time they need something.

Attend every virtual holiday party and networking event you can. Typically there are countless holiday parties this time of year, and while many may have been canceled, some are still being held virtually or in-person. A virtual party may mean less face-time with prospects, but also means you can attend multiple a night, rather than having to choose. These parties are the perfect talking point for your next reach-out and shows your dedication to their business. Whether it’s through an association, a trade organization, or your spouse’s work, go to every one you can. You never know where your next client may come from.

Be available. Even if you’re taking time off, consider not turning on your out-of-office. This doesn’t mean you have to be constantly checking emails, but set aside 15 minutes twice a day to check. If a prospect you’ve been calling on all year finally reaches out only to get an automatic reply, they will go somewhere else, and you’ll lose your shot at their business.

Have fun. Get creative with voicemails, emails, and mailers. Have fun! In a voicemail, tell a prospect all you want for Christmas (or Hannukah) is their business. It will make them smile, but still gets your point across.

Write. Do a self-evaluation of the year. Ask yourself the hard questions and make a plan to address them in the coming year. Rank yourself compared to your colleagues. Did you work as hard as they did? How much revenue did you bring in compared to your peers? Rate your relationships with clients. Do they seek your advice? Are they responsive to you? Take the time to think and reflect, so you can approach the New Year with clarity and a plan.

Seize the opportunity the holiday season presents and put the pedal to the metal. Be better than your peers, and have fun interacting with clients virtually this year.

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LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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