How to Turn a Temporary Position into a Permanent Role 

In an interview with CareerBuilder, our Senior Director, Megan Trzcinski, shared how to turn a temporary position into a permanent role:  

Be on time. Starting with the basics, if you want to turn a temporary job into one that’s permanent, be sure that both attendance and punctuality are perfect. Get in a few minutes early and offer to stay late if the opportunity presents itself.  

Ask for more. Speak up and ask for work if there is any down time. Oftentimes a temporary person will sit there when the project they’re working on is done and wait to be directed. To differentiate yourself, ask for another project once you’ve completed everything.  

Dress professionally. As the saying goes, dress for the role you want, not the role you have, and it’s true in this case. Observe the way the permanent employees dress and how they present themselves, and mimic that.  

Have a good attitude. If you’re being trained on a new task, be sure you’re engaged, whether it’s your body language or questions you ask. Beyond that, be sure to take notes and send a recap to your supervisor.   

Be curious. If there is a software or database the company uses that you’re not familiar with, dedicate time outside of work to learn it so you can add more value. 

Build relationships. Spend time to get to know other fulltime employees in the office. If you’re invited for an after work happy hour or event, go to it and socially integrate yourself. The better people know you, the more willing they are to put your name in the hat when an opportunity opens up. 

Ask for feedback. Make sure to seek out feedback if you’re not getting it and ask what you can be doing differently. Be receptive to what you hear, too and take immediate action on whatever the feedback was.   

Show your interest. But be careful- There is a fine line between being pushy and/or expecting a permanent role, versus expressing interest in the opportunity should there be one.  

Wait for the right moment. A few weeks after starting is too soon to ask, but if it’s been several months and the company seems like a fit, have a tactful conversation with your supervisor and/or HR. If you notice that the company posted a permanent role you think you’d be good for, that’s another great opportunity to spark the conversation. Self-awareness is key. If you haven’t had any feedback over the course of the assignment, don’t assume you’re doing great. Get the manager’s praise before asking. Also, if you see an open spot on another team that you’re interested in, it’s best to go to your direct supervisor first so they don’t think you’re purposefully going around them.  

Ask for advice. If you’re working with a staffing firm, ask your recruiter for advice. They are speaking with the client and have a good gauge on how they view your work, so utilize them in this conversation.  

Looking for a new position? Click here for open opportunities. 

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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