Introducing LaSalle Network’s 2022 Award Winners

Each LaSallemas (also known as our company’s anniversary), we announce the honorees of our most sought-after awards: “LaSallian of the Year,” “Making it Happen,” and “People’s Choice.” Below we share the 2022 honorees, and what it means to each of them to take home LaSalle’s biggest titles.  

LaSallian of the Year: Manning Goldman 

The “LaSallian of the Year” epitomizes what LaSalle is all about. They are friendly, passionate, hardworking and a true team player. They are always ready to help a teammate and go the extra mile for those we work with. The “LaSallian of the Year” loves what they do, where they work, and are essential members of our team. Please join us in a round of applause for this year’s winner, Manning Goldman, Project Manager on LaSalle Network’s Oak Brook Office Services recruiting team!  

Describe the moment your name was announced. How did you feel?  

Manning Goldman: I was overwhelmed with emotion. I have wanted to win this award since I knew it existed, and I worked every day to try to get it. When my name was announced, it was surreal, and I felt so appreciated. 

What does this award mean to you? 

MG: This award was an honor to win because it signifies someone who is quintessentially LaSalle and gives back to our culture. It’s for someone who puts in the work to contribute as much as they can and simultaneously supports others with their successes. I’m honored that this year’s leadership believed that person was me. Winning this award helps me feel it really does pay off when you think of the team first and just want everyone to be better, together. 

What have you accomplished in the past year that you are proud of? 

MG: It’s a combination of the professional and personal growth I have accomplished. Looking back over the year, I have learned so much from everyone around me. I am a stronger professional today than I was last year because of those who showed me the ropes and continually challenged me.  


Making it Happen: Trey Jones 

The “Making it Happen” award goes to the LaSallian who does anything and everything to overcome challenges and produce results for the team, knocking down walls and barriers to help grow the Briefcase. Please join us in a round of applause for our 2022 “Making it Happen” winner, Trey Jones, a Senior Business Development Manager on our sales team!  

Describe the moment your name was announced. How did you feel?  

Trey Jones: All I remember hearing was Tom begin to say a name and then look over at me. I got a pat on the shoulder right after and everyone joined in on looking over – but I was in shock. This award was something I had been secretly working hard towards during my three years, and to be acknowledged felt amazing. It was amazing to have the cheers and congratulations from my coworkers and leaders the rest of the night. 

What does this award mean to you? 

TJ: This award would not be possible without all the amazing teammates I work alongside that help make everything happen. When you collaborate and fight to find solutions together as a team, you are much stronger than just one individual trying to make it on their own. This award shows that no matter how many years you have been here, you can make an impact. 

What have you accomplished in the past year that you are proud of? 

TJ: My proudest accomplishment so far besides this award, is my most recent promotion to Senior Business Development Manager. 


People’s Choice: Missy Stella 

The “People’s Choice” award is voted on by the people! LaSallians submit their votes on who they would want on their team. This LaSallian is a team player, prioritizes collaboration, and someone who encompasses our 3Es: education, empathy, and empowerment. Please join us in a round of applause for this year’s winner, Missy Stella, Unit Manager of our marketing recruiting team! 

Describe the moment your name was announced. How did you feel?  

Missy Stella: My first reaction was complete shock and awe. I remember not being able to breathe, tears starting to form as I heard my name being chanted. I could not process that the name being chanted was mine and people had nominated me. When LaSalle’s leaders asked us to nominate someone for this award, more than five employees came to my mind within seconds…and then 10 employees…and then I became paralyzed over who to vote for because there were so many incredible LaSallians I could nominate. So, the fact that I had the vote meant so much to me. 

What does this award mean to you? 

MS: Being People’s Choice means absolutely everything to me. After winning the award, I had coworkers come up to me saying why they voted for me and sharing stories of something I had done that touched them or made them feel welcomed at the company. That meant the world to me. I care so deeply about this company and the people here, so feeling that love returned was something I will never forget. When Tom called my name, it was one of those moments in life that we only get to experience a handful of times, and I am so incredibly touched and grateful for that moment. 

What have you accomplished in the past year that you are proud of? 

MS: Working alongside our Vice President of Recruiting, Kevin Roeder, and with the support of our Executive Leadership team, our marketing recruiting team has grown 300%! Not only has our team hit two all-time highs, but the culture we have established is one where we show up for ourselves and our coworkers and give it our all.  

Join us in another round of applause for these three award winners! Do these LaSallians sound like professionals you want to grow your career alongside?  

Click here to apply to our open positions today. 

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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