6 Essential Steps for Acing the Informational Interview - LaSalle Network

6 Essential Steps for Acing the Informational Interview


Most job interviews are nerve-wracking – 82% of people report being nervous before a job interview – but informational interviews can be a good opportunity to get more insight into an industry or a company without the pressure of an official job interview.

An informational interview is the practice of talking to people who currently work in a field to gain a better understanding of their occupation or industry… and to build a network in that field in order to ultimately land a job. The purpose of informational interviewing is not to get job offers – they just may be a nice side benefit!

Connecting with someone within your target company increases the odds of eventually securing a job with that company significantly. But remember: securing a job is not your immediate goal.

Step #1: Identify contacts

Decide which companies or contacts you want to reach out to. Create a running list of people to connect with – these people can be new contacts you haven’t met or they could be referrals within your network. Regardless, make sure to be professional and considerate when introducing yourself and asking to set up an informational interview.

Step #2: Reach out

There isn’t one perfect way to first make these introductions. If you have contacts’ phone numbers, start by calling them. Introduce yourself, explain what you’re hoping to learn, and then ask if they would be available for a meeting. This call can resemble an elevator pitch, and it doesn’t hurt to practice a few times before picking up the phone.

Here’s a sample introduction:

Hello, my name is Chelsea and I am a student at DePaul University studying Financial Analysis. I understand that you are a Senior Analyst at XYZ Company. Do you have a moment to speak with me regarding your career path? (Pause, wait for response). I was hoping that you could help me gain insights into this profession because I’m graduating soon. I’m sure that my questions could be answered in a 20-30 minute informational interview. Would you be open to meeting with me?

If you successfully connect with them and set a time and date, always follow up with an email. Confirm the details and the topic you’re discussing, and express your gratitude for their help!

Step #3: Prepare for the interview

You should prepare for an informational interview like you would for a job interview, even though they’re different:

  • Bring your resume, a notebook, and a pen, But don’t offer your resume unless they specifically ask for it
  • Do your research: know about their company and their professional history
  • Bring a list of questions, and choose 5 to focus on
  • Dress professionally
  • Map out the route beforehand
  • Arrive 10 minutes early

Step #4: Have fun!

Enjoy the interview – you’re in control, and an informational interview is a great opportunity to seek career advice from top performing professionals. Stay upbeat and enthusiastic, even if you’re nervous. Greet them with a firm handshake, smile, and maintain eye contact throughout the interview.

Step #5: Ask questions

Come into the interview with a list of at least ten questions prepared to ask – we’ve compiled a large list of sample questions to ask during informational interviews, but here are a few of the basics you should cover:

  • How did you get started, and why did this interest you?
  • What is your job like? What are your daily duties?
  • What about this work do you find satisfying or dissatisfying?
  • How does a person progress in this field?
  • Why did you decide to work for this company?
  • What skills are most important for your role and in this field?
  • How would you describe the working atmosphere and the people with whom you work?
  • Do you have any advice for someone interested in this field/job?
  • Do you know of other people whom I might talk to who have similar jobs?

There are likely more industry-specific questions you’ll want to ask as well, but these questions are a good start.

Step #6: Close the interview

After the informational interview is over, make sure to thank them for taking the time to help you. Ask if there’s anyone else they could potentially connect you with. Do not ask for a job, and don’t ask about job openings at their company. Instead tell them you’ll follow up… and actually do it.

Email them after the interview to thank them again, and once a month reach out again to update them on your job search.

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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