How to Resign…Without Burning Bridges

We’ve all seen them – the videos capturing dramatic scenes of people quitting and walking out on the job – aka ‘quit-toks.’ While it’s tempting to replicate a “trend,” this is one to avoid because it can result in a hefty cost: your career.  

A dramatic or disrespectful resignation could not only prevent being rehired in the future as a boomerang employee, but it could also impact professional references, and, if posted online, could be seen by potential hiring managers.  

While there may be some pent-up frustration towards the role, manager, or company going into a resignation, that doesn’t mean parting can’t still be amicable. We’re sharing 4 things to do while quitting a job to avoid burning bridges and allow for a harmonious exit. 

Talk Face-to-Face 

Up to 90% of communication is nonverbal, meaning communicating via emails, texts, or a phone call could result in the message being misunderstood. If unable to be physically face-to-face, a video call is the best second option to utilize when quitting. This style of communication allows both employee and manager to see the reactions and emotions and is a more respectful way to deliver the news.  

While it may be more nerve wracking, speaking in-person can go a long way in helping hard conversations go a little smoother and maintaining a positive relationship throughout the departure. 

Provide a Two-Week’s Notice 

Offering to help tie up loose ends before moving on allows management time to plan for a replacement or ensure the team is updated on all ongoing projects, as well as help cross-train a new hire.  

If a full two weeks is not possible, offering as much time as possible can still help prevent leaving the team in a difficult position. Keep in mind, quitting without notice impacts the whole team, and there is no way to know where a former coworker or manager might end up in the future.  

Be Honest 

Don’t forget, management may find out about a job search before having a chance to tell them. If asked, be honest about the search, how serious other options may be, and what sparked the desire to move on.  

Consider Options 

Before leaving one role for another, spend time reflecting on what isn’t meeting expectations. Before jumping straight into a job search, consider if there are adjustments that could be made to improve the position, or if an internal transfer could be possible, and discuss it with management before quitting. There could be internal roles available that aren’t readily apparent, or adjustments to the role that could make it a better fit. 

While expressing frustration may feel good in the moment, remember it could have a hefty cost. Before choosing to quit publicly, consider the fact that future job offers outweigh the slight increase in social followers.  

If you’re looking for your next move, let us help! View our open roles here.  

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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