Healthcare Revenue Cycle Hiring Tips

Attracting the best and brightest talent can be challenging in any industry. But for healthcare revenue cycle professionals, the competition is particularly fierce. Whether your company manages medical coding, billing or insurance verification, you want to find candidates who will go above and beyond. How can you recruit and retain top talent for your team in today’s tight labor market? LaSalle’s Director of Healthcare Partnerships, Jason Siegel, shares hiring tips:

Why is the competition for revenue cycle jobs so intense?

Mergers and acquisitions in the industry are making competition more intense. When consolidations between hospital systems occur, there can be layoffs, and by default, slightly fewer jobs. This naturally makes competition arise.

Additionally, competition for good recent graduate talent is tight. Many healthcare systems are looking for specific degrees in healthcare administration or management. They are looking for proficiency with healthcare software including Epic, Cerner, Meditech and other platforms. In addition, they’re looking for strong math skills. While graduates don’t need a STEM degree or mathematics background, they need to be able to do functions, measurements and calculations. Soft skills are also key; including an eagerness to learn, a positive, can-do attitude and organizational skills. When healthcare systems find these profiles, they compete for them.

Something important to note is that employers shouldn’t limit themselves in their talent search by only seeking candidates who are proficient in specific software. Rather, employers can broaden their search by hiring graduates who may not have the experience, but have the willingness to learn. Then, employers can offer training to help them develop healthcare software and skill-sets.

With job boards, networking and social media in the mix, how can a healthcare organization cut through the noise and attract candidates?

The most important thing is making your presence known no matter what platform you decide to leverage. Make your brand known- not just the name, but the culture, opportunities, missions and values. That’s what resonates with recent graduates.

As far as job fairs and networking go, when you’re working to recruit recent grads, the best way to go about it is connecting with university career centers. Get in front of students and faculty at universities. Educate them on opportunities within your organization and offer thought leadership and tips on how to go about getting a job in the industry.

Are there any challenges revenue cycle teams face with hiring? How can you overcome them?

People can be nervous to go into revenue cycle because technology is eliminating some of the administrative tasks from the role. But there’s still a need for billing and coding professionals, and there always will be. Employers struggling to recruit recent grads should keep this possible insecurity in mind, as graduates may need reminding that healthcare is still an attractive industry to go into.

To overcome these challenges, showcase your differentiators! Do you have an exceptional culture? What has the growth trajectory been for others that have started out in the role? If you’ve had employees who started off in entry level positions move into management and other leadership roles, highlight that! Then, explain how you can help a recent graduate achieve that type of growth in your organization, too.

In addition, graduates are really interested and excited about technology. When you’re trying to attract them, be sure to explain the different technologies your organization takes advantage of and how they’ll be working with them. Consider adding technology training so they can improve on this skill. You can also make yourself appealing by showcasing your culture.

Want more tips on hiring top talent for your revenue cycle management team? Click here to read Jason’s article in Healthcare Finance.

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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