Dating before Marriage: Benefits of Temp-to-Hire


Like dating before marriage, a temp-to-hire strategy is a great way to see if an on the fence candidate will gel with your company and be a good fit long-term. However, like a blind date, you should consider this strategy only when it’s right for your company. For instance, maybe the candidate is on the fence culturally. Or maybe they’re a great culture fit, but don’t have all the hard skills.

A contract assignment allows you to evaluate candidates you’re unsure about. If they’re right for your team, extend a permanent offer. But before you get down on one knee, you need to know if the assignment was a fling or the real thing. Just like dating before marriage, here’s why you should consider a temp-to-hire strategy:

You can make sure it’s a match

In the world of dating, the first few weeks are full of excitement, but you’re probably a bundle of nerves. Both parties are putting their best foot forward, turning on the charm and figuring each other out. The same story applies to the business world.

You’ll want to learn as much about the other person as you can, and make sure they’ll still be right down the road. To prevent getting “catfished” by the candidate, evaluate their performance in real time as they tackle challenges. Resumes and interviews are great, but nothing beats authentic action and wrestling real workplace issues. Do the temporary employee’s skill sets align with company needs? Look for temporary staff that meet every deadline, over-deliver and over-communicate to make sure they excel in everything they do.

In addition, a temp-to-hire strategy will give you clarity on whether the person aligns with company culture. Does their personality mesh with your team? Do they radiate positivity, or perpetuate pessimism? Pay attention to your temporary employee’s communication, adaptability and interpersonal skills. Like dating, these will be key ingredients to evaluate the success of the relationship long-term.

Low risk, high reward

Dating before marriage significantly drops the likelihood of divorce, according to Psychology Today. If you’re grappling whether it’s a good idea to hire a candidate full-time, take notes from romantic relationships. Divorce can be tricky, (not to mention pricy), and so can turnover.

According to SHRM, turnover can cost an organization nearly 60 percent of an employee’s annual salary. A temp-to-hire strategy can reduce this risk. If the needs of your organization change after the temporary assignment, or you realize the employee won’t be a good fit, there’s no need to extend a permanent offer.

On the flip side, if the employee excels in their role, goes above and beyond and builds strong relationships with your staff, you may decide to tie the knot.

When you identify the right person to convert full time, the honeymoon phase should be a breeze. This employee already knows your unique business practices and culture from their temporary assignment. Temporary employees who realize your company is special, put in the effort and are excited about the future will lead to lasting relationships. Why not make a short-term contract a happily ever after?


About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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