Business Lessons Learned from Fatherhood

Happy Father’s Day to dads around the world! In today’s ever-changing world, being a father has taken on even more meaning. As many working parents are balancing working from home while supporting and caring for their children during a challenging time, we’re celebrating the hard work and flexibility displayed by LaSalle dads who have taken these challenges in stride. We asked them to share what their role as a father has taught them in their professional careers. 

What lessons has fatherhood taught you about business? 

Tom Gimbel 

I learned how to explain things in different ways to different people. I keep my messaging simple and straightforward. I’ve realized that everyone doesn’t see the world the same, and I learned the importance of teaching and explaining things in a way that is tailored for the recipient, not the giver. 

Lawrence Casas 

Patience. I’ve learned so much about setting realistic expectations for people. When you’re a younger manager or leader, you’re not as patient, and you don’t have the same understanding. When you have kids, you realize that not everyone is the same – they think differently and need different things from you. 

Alan Jagnandan 

Time management is the biggest takeaway that is transferable to my professional career. You have less time once you become a parent, and it requires more focus on prioritization and execution. 

I also thought I knew a lot about life before being a father, and the first night of parenthood I realized I knew nothing. I see my career, life and the world through a different lens now. 

It’s not, “What’s best for me or what’s best for my wife?” Now it’s “How will this affect my daughters in the present and in the future?” They motivate me more than words can say and make me a more empathetic businessperson in general. 

 Byron Johnson 

Becoming a father helped me become a better listener. I’ve had to learn to listen more than I talk to understand what my kids are going through, what they need in order to grow, and what their motivations are. They’ve made me a better leader for my team. 

My advice to other parents would be to join a company that truly values family. It is not just a part of the mission statement, but it is a way of life. Find a team that recognizes the importance of parenthood and pushes you to be a better parent knowing it’ll make you a better professional. 

 Jason Siegel 

Patience! Just like every kid, every employee has a different learning style. You need to customize your approach to have a positive outcome. 

Understanding this and creating a customized plan around each personality and learning curve has helped me be a better manager. 

Craig Johnson 

Prioritize and manage expectations.  When you have three kids on different schedules with different needs, you learn how to maximize your time in the day, which translates perfectly into the working world.  

Russell Castaneda 

I have a six-year-old and three-year-old, so learning to listen and be patient has become key. The same goes for working with team members or clients.  

Jordan Marks 

Going through the stages of a child’s development comes with so many ebbs and flows, just like business. You have to be patient yet persistent through those highs and lows. I need to be efficient with my time while at work because kids have a knack for keeping things unpredictable. 


Are you working from home with children? Read our tips for working, schooling and parenting from home. 

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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