how to improve a relationship with a new manager

5 Questions to Ask Your New Manager in 2024

Whether starting a new role or making an internal transfer and working under a new manager, it can be challenging to adapt to different leadership styles. A poor relationship with management is a leading cause of disengagement and turnover, with 82% of workers reporting they would consider leaving their current job because of their relationship with their manager. While these relationships are a two-way street, taking the initiative to start out on the best foot possible can go a long way to not only avoiding miscommunication, but helping improve job satisfaction long term. 

To make a smooth transition and set yourself up for success, it’s crucial to understand your new manager’s expectations and work style. Here are five questions to ask your new manager: 

What are your top priorities and goals for our team this year?

Understanding your manager’s priorities helps you align your work with the team’s most important objectives. This insight allows you to contribute meaningfully and demonstrate your value early on. 

How do you prefer to communicate and receive updates?

Knowing your manager’s preferred communication style is essential. Ask if they prefer questions throughout the day or in a consolidated email at the end of the day. Understanding how projects will be assigned and how updates should be given can help you integrate smoothly into the team. 

What are the key performance metrics for our team?

Clarifying how success is measured will help you focus on the right tasks and set appropriate goals. It’s important to understand whether your performance will be evaluated based on individual contributions, team achievements, or other metrics. 

What tools and technology do you use? Are there trainings I can do to ramp up my knowledge of those tools and become an asset faster for the team?

Demonstrating a proactive approach by asking about the tools and technologies your team uses shows initiative. It also helps you quickly become productive by familiarizing yourself with essential tools. 

What is the best way to collaborate with the team, especially in a hybrid or remote setup?

With the rise of hybrid and remote work, understanding the team’s collaboration tools and practices is essential. This includes knowing the preferred platforms for communication, how meetings are conducted, and the best times to reach out for feedback. 


By asking these questions, you’ll gain valuable insights into your manager’s expectations, enhance your contribution to the team, and set a solid foundation for your career growth. Showing a proactive interest in aligning with your manager’s goals can make a significant difference in your professional development. 

Still looking for your next role? We can help. View our open jobs here.  

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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