Signs You're still in college

4 Warning Signs You’re Still Pretending It’s College

Signs You're still in college

Fall is here, bringing changing leaves, cooler weather, football, and a new year of college. It can be easy to miss those university days when sitting at a desk all day. Why finish this expense report when you could be staying up late, tailgating on the weekends, and binge-watching TV all day?

Indeed there were a lot of reasons to love college… but now that you’re in the workforce, make sure you’re not bringing these 4 college habits to work every day:

1. Going to bed late and sleeping in

Irregular class times and frequent social events meant you could study until 3 a.m., sleep until 11 a.m., and still get your work done before class. The hours were unusual, but everyone has those nights – it was understandable.

Most companies and most roles do not follow a similar schedule. Trying to go out every night of the week and staying sharp the next day is a tall order. Most people will end up tired at work, increasing the chances they’ll make a mistake at work or be in a much darker mood. Co-workers notice when you’re consistently tired or out of it… save the odd hours for the weekend.

2. Eat junk food

Late-night pizza binges are a rite of passage during college, yet a lot of this junk food isn’t good for your energy levels, brain functions, or memory. Instead of pizza, candy, and soft drinks, try these foods to help your brain and your stomach get through the day:

  • Blueberries. This antioxidant-rich berry has the potential to reduce the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. They can also improve your learning and muscle functions.
  • Spinach. While spinach gets a bad reputation, this leafy green increases blood flow to your brain.
  • Cinnamon. This spice has some anti-inflammatory benefits, which can help improve your brain functioning, particularly memory and focus.
  • Nuts. Nuts are great for your nervous system because they have a lot of omega three fatty acids. They also have plenty of Vitamin E, which can protect the brain from the effects of dementia.

Pro tip: Can’t resist the junk food urges? Stock up on dark chocolate and red wine. In moderation, both of these guilty pleasures are good for your brain and your heart.

3. Procrastinate… and then cram

You can’t get away with the same study habits you might have relied on in college. Back then, all the professor witnessed was the end product – they had no way of knowing how long you worked on the project.

But in an office, your peers and manager see what you’re doing every day. They can tell when you’re on social media instead of working. A full-time job is more demanding than college. A job requires more time management, organizing, and planning. Delaying the work only guarantees the final product isn’t as good as it could be.


4. Settling for a “B” grade

In school, getting mostly B’s isn’t a bad thing… but when it comes to your career, a B shouldn’t be satisfactory. Don’t settle for good; push for great. Getting a B is meeting expectations, but being an A student requires exceeding expectations. If you want to get promoted, push to be an A student at work. Put in the extra hours, learn your industry, and strive to be the best on your team and at your company.



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We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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