4 Steps to Excel in the Second Half of the Year

We’re halfway through the year; are we halfway to annual goals? Rather than giving up, saying “better luck next year,” and moving on, now is the time to reframe, refocus, and create a plan to tackle the second half of the year. Here’s how: 

Reevaluate 2023 Goals 

What progress has been made so far towards annual goals? If falling behind, take time to reflect and create a game plan to get back on track. Take note of both role-specific and personal career goals that haven’t had as much progress as intended.  

Determine if the objectives and key results (OKRs), which is a goal-setting framework defining measurable goals and tracking their outcomes, are still relevant, or if the company goals they were shaped around supporting have since changed.  

If some goals are already checked off, before walking away from them entirely, consider how creating a stretch goal around them can help excel things even more.  


Readjust Outdated Goals  

In some cases, goals set at the start of the year no longer serve the team or company after six months, simply because of different focuses or changes that came up throughout the first half of the year. If certain goals are no longer relevant to help drive revenue, cut costs, or support the team, reprioritize objectives for a greater impact. 

It’s okay to intentionally leave behind goals that are no longer in alignment with the team/company – not goals that simply feel too difficult or have not had enough progress made. Goals are meant to challenge and will always require hard work. So, rather than dismiss or adjust hard goals, create a game plan to tackle them and ask for support from management to achieve more. As Kara Lawson, Duke basketball coach, stated in her speech to her team, “nothing gets easier, you just learn to handle hard better.” 


Take a Look in the Mirror  

If progress towards goals is not where it should be halfway through the year, reflect and consider what has gotten in the way. Evaluate engagement levels. If feeling burnt out or disengaged is contributing to lower performance, consider new work methods that could help improve efficiency, like collaborating with someone new to spark ideas for driving productivity, shifting day-to-day routines, or taking on a new project/challenge.  

Also consider what external factors could be contributing to these feelings or pulling attention away from accomplishing certain projects. 


Create a Plan 

Consider what key performance indicators (KPIs), which are the quantifiable measure of performance for specific goals, are falling short. What strategies or practices can be integrated into day-to-day tasks to get them back where they need to be? 

Think back to the strongest month, quarter or year and if any processes have changed since. If so, consider going back to what worked, whether it was how days and weeks were organized, or more frequent communication with leadership, or more frequent feedback. Similarly, identify what strategies have not been effective and part ways with them. Then discuss it with management to get their input.  


At year-end, be proud of what was accomplished by leaving everything on the table and staying focused on the long-term outcome.  


If part of your goals for this year is finding a new job, let us help. View our open roles here 

About LaSalle Network

LaSalle Network is a national staffing, recruiting and culture firm with business units that specialize in accounting and finance, administrative, call center, healthcare revenue cycle, human resources, management resources, marketing, sales, supply chain, technology and executive search.

We partner with companies across the country to help find top temporary and direct hire talent and grow their teams.

Our team is here to help you find your next role or find great talent for your team. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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